Am I the right vendor for your learning project?

Things to consider


“What is your timeline?”

Products with different complexity levels require different development hours. I’m always here to develop a full project timeline with you before we start.


“What tools do you have?”

I have a few license-based tools available. However, if any subscription-based tools are needed, I need you to reimburse them.

”Does the budget work?”

I charge by the hour or by the project. Please let me know your budget amount so I can tell you what is the best way for us to work togeher.


“Do you like my design style?”

Every instructional designer has their own unique style. Please take a look at the portfolio section to help you decide.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help your learners activate it.

Standard Project Flow

How can we work together to create the training?

Step One: Define and Establish

In this step, we need to define:

  • What are the learning objectives?

  • Who is the target audience?

  • How will you deliver it?

  • What is your timeline/budget?


Step Two: Design and Review (Storyboarding)

In this step, I will work with the SMEs to gather the contents or use prepared contents. I will provide a syllabus/lesson outline/storyboards for you to review and approve.


Step Three: Prototype and Review

In this step, I will provide some design mockups for you to review the graphic style and functionality (interactivities). If the timeline is short, this step may be skipped.


Step Four: Develop and Review

I will finish building the course with different authorizing tools. If a voice-over is needed, the scripts will be reviewed in Step Two and recorded in this step.